What To Do For Sleeplessness?

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What To Do For Sleeplessness?

Also referred to as insomnia, sleeplessness is a common sleep disorder characterized by inability to fall asleep and stay asleep. Patients may also wake up too early and unable to get back to sleep. Sleeplessness causes symptoms such as feeling tired upon waking up, low energy level and mood. The condition also affects overall health, performance at work and quality of life.

This may be chronic or short-term. But some people have long-term (chronic) insomnia that lasts for a month or more. However, the condition is not forever. It is possible to manage symptoms. Simple lifestyle changes, medications, and other treatment options can help.

Symptoms of Sleeplessness

  • Trouble falling asleep at night
  • Tiredness or sleepiness during daytime
  • Waking up during the night
  • Irritability, depression or anxiety
  • Waking up too early
  • Not feeling well-rested despite a night’s sleep
  • Trouble paying attention, concentrating on tasks
  • Trouble remembering
  • Increased errors or accidents
  • Constant worries about sleep

Common causes of sleeplessness:

Sleeplessness or Insomnia may be caused by a number of reasons. Here are some of the common causes of the condition:

Stress – Most of the time, stress can lead to disturbed sleep. Worries related to work, finances, school, health, or family matters can occupy your mind at night, making it difficult to sleep. In some cases, a stressful life event or trauma such as illness or death of a loved one can result in insomnia.

Busy Schedule – Being on the go or a hectic work schedule can disturb your sleep-wake cycle.

Caffeine, Nicotine and Alcohol – Drinking coffee, cola, tea and other caffeinated drinks late evening can keep you awake at night. Tobacco products have nicotine that can interfere with sleep. Although alcohol helps falling asleep, it prevents deeper stages of sleep awakening you in the middle of the night.

Poor Sleep Habits – Erratic bedtime schedule, taking long naps during day, watching TV, working on bed, clutter in bedroom, eating late in the evening, scrolling through smartphones or other screens right before bed can affect sleep cycle.

Mental Health Disorders – Sleeplessness can be caused by anxiety disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder and depression.

Medications – Prescription drugs such as antidepressants and medications for asthma or blood pressure may disturb sleep cycle. Over-the-counter medications such as pain relievers, anti-allergy medicines, cold medications, and weight-loss products can disrupt sleep.

Medical Conditions – Some medical conditions are also linked with insomnia. These include heart disease, chronic pain, Parkinson's disease, cancer, asthma, diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), overactive thyroid, and Alzheimer's disease.

Sleep-Related Conditions – Disorders such as sleep apnea (stops breathing periodically throughout the night) and restless legs syndrome (unpleasant sensations in legs and irresistible craving to move them) may prevent you from falling asleep.

What to do for sleeplessness?

There are a number of things one can do to change sleep habits and reduce symptoms of insomnia such as fatigue, stress, anxiety, and weakness. Here are some ways to manage the condition:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – The therapy controls or eliminates negative thoughts and actions responsible for keeping you awake. Usually, CBT is usually recommended as the first line of treatment for insomnia. It is more effective than sleep medications.

The therapy teaches patients recognize and change beliefs impacting ability to sleep. It controls or eliminates negative thoughts and worries responsible for keeping awake. CBT helps patients develop healthy sleep habits and avoid behaviors that prevent you from sleeping well. It includes strategies such as stimulus control therapy and relaxation techniques.

Prescription Medications – Prescription sleeping pills are effective. These are recommended by doctors to help patients stay asleep. Some of the common prescription medications include Ramelteon, Eszopiclone, Intermezzo, Zaleplon, and Zolpidem.

Sleep Aids – Sleep aids are available over-the-counter. These contain antihistamines that help cause drowsiness. However, these are not prescribed for regular use. Speak to your doctor before taking these.

Mindfulness Meditation – The technique involves following slow, steady breathing while sitting quietly in a soothing environment. Patients are required observing breath, body, thoughts, feelings, and sensations as they rise and pass.

There are a number of benefits one can enjoy by practicing mindfulness meditation. From promoting a healthy lifestyle to reducing stress, improving concentration, and boost immunity, mindfulness meditation offers large number of benefits.

Yoga – Regular Yoga practice has been effective on improving sleep quality. Yoga is also known to alleviate stress. It boosts mental focus and physical functioning.

Meditation and slow, controlled physical movements improves presence of mind and focus. Performing restorative poses before bed time will help relax mind and unwind.

Lavender Oil – Lavender is highly beneficial in improving overall mood, reduce pain, and promote sound sleep. Lavender oil capsules are widely available on prescription. The supplement is more effective when taken orally. These are helpful in improving sleep patterns among individuals with depression especially when taken with an antidepressant. The supplements reduce levels of anxiety and promote better sleep. Additionally, lavender oil can be added to bath water to promote sleep.

Melatonin – The supplement helps in falling asleep faster improve quality of your sleep. Melatonin is safe to use for short periods of time. Make sure you get the lightest dose prescribed by the doctor.

Exercise – Exercise has several health benefits. Improved sleep quality and sleeplessness are some of them. Regular workout releases serotonin (happy hormones) to enhance mood, boost energy, promote weight loss, and better sleep. You can start Pilates, aerobics, cardio or weight training to attain maximum benefits.

Massage – A relaxing massage therapy is proven to be beneficial for individuals with insomnia. It improves sleep quality and manages daytime dysfunction. Gentle massage also reduces negative emotions such as anxiety, pain, and depression. Both profession and self-massage therapies are helpful.

Other Tips

Some lifestyle changes may help reduce sleeplessness. It is best to try out these measures prior to including supplemental or medicinal options into your routine. Some of the most recommended options include:

  • Do not have chemicals that disrupt sleep including such as alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine.
  • Avoid screen time 1-2 hours prior to bed.
  • Do not have heavy meals at night. Finish your last meal of the day two hours before bed.
  • Do not exercise right before or two hours before sleep.
  • Take a hot shower or bath before sleeping.
  • Maintain comfortable environment in your room. Keep it clean, cool and dark.
  • Get into bed once you are tired and ready to unwind.
  • Do not scroll through social media sites before sleeping.
  • Move out of bed if you don’t fall asleep within 20 minutes.